Community–company relations in gold mining in Ghana

Gold mining in Ghana. Ghana, known as the Gold Coast during colonial occupation, has a long history of mining going back over 1000 years (Annin, 1992, Dumett, 1998, Government of Ghana, 1980, Huqq, 1989, Sweeting and Clark, 2000). ... 2009, p. 583). Hence, MNCs have the potential to address critical community concerns, needs, and public policy ...

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Governing the Ungovernable? Conceptualising embeddedness in Ghana…

1. Introduction. The institutional reform efforts to keep Ghana's gold mining sector under effective state control and minimise (potentially) negative impacts have always generated mixed results (Besada and Golla, 2023; Ros–Tonen et al., 2021).Since the 1980s, the World Bank has been a key advocate for the formalisation of artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) and …

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Ownership of Ghanaian Gold Mining Companies | Download …

As shown in Table 4 major gold mining companies in Ghana are mostly foreign-owned, a situation made possible by Ghana's acceptance of the SAP policy and its privatisation condition. Farazmand's ...

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The environmental fallout of Ghana's mining boom: Ghana's …

In Ghana, gold mining is not just an industry but a vital part of many rural communities. However, the rise of artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM) brings …

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Framing illegal artisanal and small-scale gold mining in the …

Artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) plays a significant socio-economic role in the alleviation of poverty. In Ghana, the increase in and persistence of illegal ASM (galamsey) can be explained by unemployment, cumbersome and costly registration, lack of land, corruption and Chinese engagement.Traditionally, Ghanaian governments have neglected to address …

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Michelle Castaneda Gold Mining in Ghana. Photo Credits to Allan Lissner • A recent research conducted by Commission on Human Rights and Administrative Justice in Ghana reveals evidence of awful human rights abuses in mining communities, ranging from widespread pollution of water sources, deprivation and loss of livelihoods.. Photo Credits to Dr. Petra …

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Ghana bishops blast government for 'weak, corrupt' efforts …

The Ghana Chamber of Mines estimated that in 2016, illicit miners smuggled $2.3 billion worth of gold out of the country, depriving the state of crucial revenue.

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Gold mining's environmental footprints, drivers, and future …

From 2008 to early 2017, the third phase of gold mining in Ghana witnessed a significant upsurge in small-scale mining activities due to the escalating gold prices …

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Chinese participation in Ghana's informal gold mining …

Recent, in-depth analysis (Hilson, 2002a; Tschakert and Singha, 2007, Bush, 2009, Hilson and Ackah-Baidoo, ... The analysis that follows aims to broaden understanding of how Chinese citizens have managed to infiltrate Ghana's informal gold mining economy over the past decade, and why they have been able to flourish, despite not having the ...

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Impacts of Surface Gold Mining on Land Use Systems in Western Ghana

Our goal here was to assess land cover change due to gold surface mining in Western Ghana, one of the world's leading gold mining regions, and to study how these changes affected land use systems. We used Landsat satellite images from 1986–2002 to map land cover change and field interviews with farmers to understand the livelihood ...

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Gold Rush in Ghana: A future riddled with 'galamsey'

Ghana, one of Africa's leading gold producers, is witnessing a modern-day gold rush, driven by the surge in illegal small-scale mining activities, popularly known as 'Galamsey'.

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How To Start A Profitable Gold Business In …

Best Areas (Places) To Start A Gold Business In Ghana. In Ghana, the best areas to start your gold business are the mining communities. The reason is that a gold dealer will have a constant supply of gold from these indigenous …

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Challenges and opportunities of environmental policy implementation

While previous studies (Akabzaa, 2009; Taabazuing et al., 2012) found inherent weakness with the Mineral and Mining Act of 2006, (Act 703), as well as inconsistencies in Ghana's environmental and mining policies (Hilson, 2004, Atta-Quayson, 2018), and called for its amendment, findings from our study indicate that the problem in Ghana's gold ...

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Linkages in Ghana's gold mining industry: Challenging the …

By 2009, Ghana was the second-ranked African producer after South Africa, and had become the world's ninth largest producer of gold, at some 3.8% of global production, up from 2.6% five years earlier.

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The state of gold mining in Ghana

Indigenous mining of gold in Ghana dates as far back as the 4th century. Large scale mining began in Ghana around 1500. Over the years, gold has been Ghana's major foreign exchange earner.

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Digging Deep for Justice: A Radical Re

Abstract: This article explores the concept of "contact zones" to counteract misrecognition and exclusion in the artisanal gold mining sector of Ghana. The large majority …

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Map of Ghana showing gold deposits and the seven small-scale mining

At Ashanti Goldfields Company's Obuasi mine, violent clashes erupted in 1996 between galamsey operators and local secur- ity forces, resulting in over $1 million in damages at the site, and in ...

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Ghanaian policemen observe some ore seized on pits

Ghanaian policemen observe some ore seized on pits operated by artisanal gold miners to verify the presence of visible gold. In Ghana, artisanal mining is called "galamsey".

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Linkages in Ghana's gold mining industry: Challenging the …

Investment in the industry increased to a total of $3 billion for the four years to 2009, facilitated by a further revised mining code that was consolidated in the Minerals and …

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Grievance and conflict in Ghana's gold mining industry: The …

Key aspects of mining conflicts in Ghana: The case of Obuasi. Ghana has been plagued by a history of conflict in its gold mining communities, particularly clashes between artisanal and small-scale groups, and multinational companies [20]. Conflict between these parties has, over the past two decades, escalated, becoming a defining feature of ...

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Gold Mining Pollution and the Cost of Private Healthcare: The Case of Ghana

There is little denying that the macroeconomic gains made by Ghana's mining sector since 1986 have benefited the economy in terms of exports (see e.g., Akabzaa, 2009, Gough and Yankson, 2012).It is however argued that mining activity made only a marginal contribution to GDP; generate limited job opportunities, especially for the individuals in mining …

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Artisanal Mining of Gold with Mercury in Ghana

The paper examines the environmental impact of artisanal mining of gold with mercury (Hg) in Ghana. In spite of its positive socio- economic contributions, it is well known that artisanal mining ...

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Chinese participation in Ghana's illegal small-scale gold mining

Over the past decade, Ghana's artisanal and small-scale mining 1 sector has attracted a wave of Chinese migrants (Antwi-Boateng and Akudugu, 2020; Boafo et al., 2019; Hilson et al., 2014). Between 2008 and 2016, over 50,000 Chinese gold seekers migrated to rural Ghana to engage in illegal ASM, aided at various levels, by local collaborators (Hausermann …

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The declared Mineral Reserve as at 30 June 2009 has increased by 466 koz of gold when reconciled against June 2008, predominantly due to new discoveries, resource modelling and reduction in cut-off grade. ... Economic Geology, BSc …

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Brick by brick, block by block: Building a sustainable …

The first is the list of Designated Areas for Small Scale Gold & Diamond Mining in Ghana, which was first circulated by the Minerals ... hand (2003–2004). During Kufuor's second term (2005–2008), they were once again fused as one Ministry of Lands, Mines and Forestry. In 2009, President John Atta-Mills introduced the current Ministry of ...

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Governance challenges of small-scale gold mining in Ghana…

An African country known for its good governance (Kaufmann et al., 2009), it has, since the 1980s, developed and adopted a legal and institutional framework which governs both its large and small-scale mining ... Collusion and Corruption in Small-Scale Gold Mining in Ghana: Chinese Miners and the State (2016) Google Scholar. Crawford et al ...

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Community-company relations in gold mining …

This is particularly true in the case of gold mining in Ghana, West Africa. 2. Background and study context 2.1. Gold mining in Ghana Ghana, known as the Gold Coast during colonial occupation, has a long history of mining going …

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Gold mining in Ghana | Request PDF

Abstract. Ghana is a major player in the gold mining industry globally and in Africa in particular. The country is ranked 11th in the global league of gold producers and the …

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Community–company relations in gold mining in Ghana

The findings reported here were part of a larger study examining community and company relations in the gold mining sector of the Wassa West District of Ghana (E.A. Aubynn, 2003).This part of Ghana (see Fig. 1) contains the largest concentration of surface gold mining activity in the country with an estimated 70% of total unoccupied land leased out as …

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Ghana Gold Mines Map | World Gold Mines

Some of the most famous and richest gold strikes in Ghana include the Obuasi and Tarkwa mines. These mines have produced significant amounts of high-grade gold over the years, contributing substantially to Ghana's economy. Cities Built Around Gold Mining Several cities in Ghana developed around gold mining operations, notably Obuasi and Tarkwa.

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